SiIvaGunner Wiki

"SiIvaDirect (7/11/2016) - The World Premiere of a Brand New High Quality Rip" is a high quality SiIvaGunner stream held on July 11, 2016.[1][2]


The stream began with a fulfillment of the "five nights at snop dog" request by crimsonfang9 on Chaze the Chat's SoundCloud, a "remastered" version of the two songs that was later uploaded as "Main Theme - Five Nights at Freddy's", which at the start played at a loud volume before being turned down. As well as that, various pictures were shown during the mashup which feature Snoop Dogg poorly edited over various Five Nights at Freddy's animatronics with various forms of "Five Nights of Freddy's" or "Five Nights of Snop Dog" added with them, mostly being with images that spell out the aforementioned phrases.

SiIvaGunner then streamed the intro of the show The Nutshack and the rip "Opening Music - Mr Rental: The Video Game" multiple times each, with SiIva himself offering live commentary through the text-to-speech voice associated with him (WiseGuy on VoiceForge).

At the end, SiIva streamed a live version of "Snow halation", but the video was under copyright and the stream was interrupted by YouTube.


  • The stream marks the fifth appearance of The Nutshack on the channel, and the first appearance of Mr Rental thus beginning the Mashup Crusaders Arc.
  • The Mr Rental video was originally made just for this stream and wasn't going to be uploaded as a rip, but Chaze changed his mind later.
  • The stream was later privated on an unknown date. Despite this, it was added to the SiIva Direct playlist on August 29, 2023.

See also[]


  1. Tweet by @GiIvaSunner.
  2. Reddit post by chazethechat.