SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki
This page is about the parody channel. For other uses, see SiIvaGunner (disambiguation).

"I only upload high quality video game rips."

SiIvaGunner[note 1] (typically /ˈsiːvəɡʌnər/), originally known as GiIvaSunner[note 1] (typically /ˈgiːvəsʌnər/), is a collaborative YouTube channel[1] made as a parody account to GilvaSunner, a video game music ripping channel.

Under a character of the same name, SiIvaGunner's videos consist of bait and switch videos, with jokes, memes or parodies of video game music.


The SiIvaGunner channel uploads videos in the style of many other soundtrack-based YouTube channels, most notably its non-parody counterpart, GilvaSunner. Most of the channel's videos are high quality rips, presented as though they were GilvaSunner uploads: a rip video typically comprises a static image of the relevant video game's logo set to music. Such videos are intentionally misleading as to trick the viewer into believing they are actual songs from a game's soundtrack. The uploaded songs, however, are instead remixes and mashups, often incorporating internet memes or other channel-specific running gags.

While the majority of SiIvaGunner content on YouTube consists of high quality video game rips, the channel also has published other media, such as original arrangements, visual media, and in-universe lore. Notably, in 2018 and 2019 respectively, the channel hosted the King for a Day Tournament and the King for Another Day Tournament; and the channel periodically publishes new installments of The SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis, an original visual novel-style series.

SiIvaGunner music is also officially published to Bandcamp, in the form of albums, which primarily comprise previously released musical content. Furthermore, some content, such as the King for Another Day Tournament MOJO!!, has been hosted exclusively on subdomains of, the official website. SiIvaGunner Fusion Records, a musical collective of contributors specializing in arrangements and remixes was founded in 2021.


"Season 3" (January 2018 – March 2019)

The new year began with the SiIvaGunner character back in control of the channel, with almost no explanation as to when or how he had returned. To accompany this strange twist, the team hosted the MAGFest 2018 SiIvaGunner panel on January 6, as planned. This was the first real-life appearance of the team at a convention.

The team continued to upload rips and host channel events during 2018. One of the most complex was a Super Smash Bros.-themed King for a Day Tournament, in which fans voted on a new character to take over the channel for a day. Starting from July 17 and lasting over three months, the King for a Day Tournament was the most ambitious project yet, with several original compositions and arrangements compiled into the album STRINGS OF FATE ~ SiIvaGunner: King for a Day Tournament Original Soundtrack. The winner of the tournament, Unregistered HyperCam 2, had its takeover on October 9.

Hiatus and second termination

Main article: SiIvaGunner Termination

On December 18, the team uploaded "The Grand Finale - Super Smash Bros. UItimate", the last rip of 2018. The channel went completely silent (aside from announcements for the MAGFest 2019 SiIvaGunner panel and a comic as part of the Grinch Takeover on Twitter).

On January 4, the channel was terminated due to multiple reports of copyright infringement. The team addressed the concerns during the MAGFest panel, as well as an online Q&A, reassuring viewers that the channel would continue even if the original channel was lost.

On January 9, the SiIvaGunner channel's most popular uploads were re-uploaded to SiIvaGunner2[2]. Chaze explained that this was done to celebrate the channel's anniversary, and to show why he loves SiIvaGunner.[3]

On February 28, 2019, YouTube eventually sorted out the SiIvaGunner channel's case, causing the channel to come back from termination on February 28, 2019. On the channel's return, Season 3's finale event began, starting with "Emote: Dance Moves (Epic Mix) - Fortnite"[4] and ending with "The Life and Times of Wade L.D. - A SiIvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis Side Story".

"Season 4" (March 2019 – January 2020)

During the MAGFest 2019 panel, Chaze the Chat announced that SiIvaGunner's fourth season will focus on evoking the spirit of the first season, with its spontaneous gags and events. In the video "The 2019 Channel Update Vlog", he further announced that it would begin after one more video from Season 3. However, one more rip was uploaded on March 19, "Google Stadia Startup - Console BIOS/Startup Fanfare", which SiIvaGunner noted in the comments was not the real Season 3 finale, which began with "Emote: Dance Moves (Epic Mix) - Fortnite" and continued until March 25 with the final episode of Season 3, "The Life and Times of Wade L.D. - A SiIvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis Side Story"[5].

Despite Chaze's claims, Season 4 was primarily focused around the King for Another Day Tournament, with character reveals and information being shared through rips and SiIva Direct livestreams throughout most of the season. Season 4 began to enter its final phase when the tournament began on November 23, 2019. The video "Credits - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day" was uploaded on January 8, 2020. The end of the video indicated it was the "End of Season 4" and that the next season would be coming soon.

Midway through this season Chaze disappeared from the internet, though the channel's other managers have continued running the channel in his absence.

"Season 4 Episode 2" (February 2020 – January 2021)

In the conclusion of the King for Another Day Tournament, it was announced that Season 4 would be followed by Season 4 Episode 2, its name a reference to Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. It was also implicitly announced that the Christmas Comeback Crisis would be continuing during this season. Following these announcements, the channel went on a break for January 2020 (like the January-March 2019 hiatus, but much briefer). The season began on February 1, 2020.

This season yet again attempted to capture the spirit of Season 1, but much more subtly than before; Season 4 Episode 2 saw a push toward starting new channel memes at a rate not seen since 2017. This season also saw the SiIvaSummer All-Star Festival and its sequel the SiIvaGunner All-Star Winter Festival, during which almost every channel event was announced to the fans ahead of time. During the latter event, the promise to continue the CCC was fulfilled with the upload of "I Wanna Thank Me - A SiIvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis Side Story".

On January 3, 2021, "Credits - The SiIvaGunner All-Star Winter Festival" was uploaded, ending the Winter Festival and the season as a whole.

"Season 5" (January 2021 – January 2022)

On January 4, 2021, the season began with "Be My Baby (Live Version) - Space Galaga", and was officially named a few days later in "Mute City (Explicit)". Much like the previous season, regular uploads began in February, though there were several rips released on notable dates in January, including a major event.

On July 15, the SiIvaSummer All-Star Festival received another sequel in the form of the SiIvaGunner All-Star Summer Festival 2021: Legends of the Western Sunset, which lasted half the length but was more story-based than its predecessor. The Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special series was continued with Part V, which featured an original audio drama. Rather than a sequel to WinterFes, December featured SiIvaGunner's Inevitable Holiday Celebration, a similar super-event.

On January 22, 2022, "Ending - SiIvaGunner's Inevitable Holiday Celebration" was uploaded, ending the Inevitable Holiday Celebration and the season as a whole.

"Season 6" (January 2022 – February 2023)

After a nine-day hiatus following SiIvaGunner's Inevitable Holiday Celebration, the season began on January 31, 2022, with "Character Select (Extended Version) - Super Smash Bros." and was officially named the following day in "Bramble Blast". On February 4, the original GilvaSunner channel was deleted after several copyright blocks by Nintendo. This was acknowledged by SiIvaGunner with a tribute channel event that same day.

On April 5, 2022, the channel was verified on YouTube.

Several large-scale channel events occurred during this season, such as the Harlem Shakeover and Fortnite Battle Royale 5th Anniversary, the former being one of the largest events in the history of the channel. Many pieces of side content were also released as part of events, such as HHHHHH, Kolo Terorita, and the SiIvaCraft Resource Pack. December featured the SiIvaGunner All-Star Nuclear Winter Festival, a sequel to WinterFes that was much more story-focused and continued the channel's lore.

On February 1, 2023, after a month-long hiatus, "The Disappearance of Wood Man - A SiIvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis Side Story" officially marked the end of Season 6.

"Season 7: The Year of Grand Dad" (February 2023 – January 2024)

Season 7 Logo

The Season 7 logo, based on that of the Year of Luigi.

On February 1, 2023, "Super Sonic Racing - Sonic R" was premiered, announcing the start of Season 7. It was given the subtitle "The Year of Grand Dad" in reference to the Year of Luigi and to commemorate both the season's number and the channel's seventh anniversary the prior month.

The season's events saw a heavy focus on celebrating the channel and its history, with a particularly large-scale April Fools' Day event based on references to past uploads, a sequel to Whip and Nae Nae Day from Season 2, an event dedicated to original remixes of SiIvaGunner rips with RIP², a continuation of the Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special series with Part VI: The Cult of Proto, and, in December, the formal continuation of the Christmas Comeback Crisis following its 6-year hiatus with the release of the episode "One Last Chance", which was accompanied by a major channel event.

On January 17, 2024, "...of Season 7" officially marked the end of Season 7.

"Season 8" (January 2024 – January 2025)

The season began on January 18, 2024, with "Main Theme (PAL-M Version) - Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center", and was officially named in a comment by @Joke-Explainer on "Magolor's Shoppe - Team Kirby Clash Deluxe".

At the end of The Susie ARG, on January 22, 2025, the video The Meeting - A SiIvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis Side Story officially marked the end of Season 8.

Channel events

See also: List of channel events

Within the lore of the SiIvaGunner universe, the channel has had many channel events in which characters and memes from the internet have taken over the channel, or been celebrated with thematic rips.

The Reboot (June 2016 – July 2016)

Main article: SilvaGunner: Rebooted

In May and June 2016, through two rips of "Megalovania", Chad Warden told the fans to stop disliking "Snow halation" rips. This created "community discourse", which was loaded by The Voice Inside Your Head into SiIvaGunner's new ripping software and led to a reboot of the channel, happening from June 17 to July 9. The biggest memes, as well as a few rips, were replaced with alternate versions: "GO MY WAY!!" replaced "Snow halation", and The Simpsons and Family Guy replaced "Meet the Flintstones". The Voice Inside Your Head then offered Chad Warden a deal to merge the original universe with the rebooted one, but without "Snow halation". Reluctantly, Chad agreed, in an attempt to restore the original memes. In the end, Chad Warden realized the power that "Snow halation" represented, and sacrificed himself to defeat the Voice and bring back "Snow halation". However, this was not the end...

The Christmas Comeback Crisis (December 2016 – present)

Main article: The SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis

Chad Warden's sacrifice seemed to have ended the Voice, however he was resurrected by Wood Man as a Figment. The Voice took over Grandiose City and began purging all anime, the true nature of his quest for world domination. Despite his best efforts, Smol Nozomi was able to escape, thus beginning The SiIvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis.

External links


  1. SiIvaGunner's YouTube about page
  2. Tweet by @GiIvaSunner. Twitter. January 9, 2019.
  3. Tweet by @the8bits. Twitter. January 10, 2019.
  4. Tweet by @ItsHinchy. Twitter. March 9, 2019.
  5. Tweet by @ItsHinchy. Twitter. March 9, 2019.


  1. 1.0 1.1 With a capital i instead of a lowercase L