"SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Direct 9.21.2019 (2 PM PT • 5 PM ET)" is a high quality stream held on September 21, 2019.
It was unlisted and renamed to "SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Direct 9.21.2019 (streamed version)" after concluding.
As with the previous "Direct" streams, it begins with a pre-stream. At 1:28, "BATTLEFIELD - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day" is played, and at 2:49, an hour-long countdown to the Direct begins, however, at 4:56 (57:52 on the countdown) when the rip finishes playing, it fades to black, and starts playing a fake Direct.
After the conclusion of the fake Direct, the countdown fades back in (with 36:47 left), and the pre-stream continues as normal. It then shows every King for Another Day Tournament reveal trailer up to this point, including Mr. Bean's trailer since it wasn't known to be fake yet. All the trailers are their in-context versions, except for those for Johnny Bravo, Mariya Takeuchi, Dr. Robotnik, Papyrus, Jack & Elmo, and Dr. Piccolo, whose trailers were originally part of different update videos. The final rip played is "Unused Song - Pokémon Red & Blue", foreshadowing MissingNo.. However, instead of the final rip ending normally, it glitches when the countdown reaches 11 seconds, to further the foreshadowing. After this, the real Direct begins.
- ↑ "Ethan's Rips (and other ripping-related contributions)". YouTube playlist by Jiko Music.