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"SiIvaGunner MAGFest 2019 Q&A Live Stream" is a high quality livestream that was hosted on SiIvaGunner2.
This stream has the same hosts as the MAGFest 2019 SiIvaGunner Panel, namely Nape Mango, Omniputance, ShonicTH, Chaze the Chat, Hinchy, Trofflesby, Craz Xexe, and Agent.
Note: Because of the Q&A's chaotic nature and the sheer volume of questions, only some answers have been paraphrased below.
About termination[]
Questions about the channel's termination and the team's plan moving forward.
- What did you get deleted for?
- Copyright. Sony Music Entertainment Japan gave the channel 3 strikes in one day.
- The email counter-claiming the take-down implies that the following videos were responsible[1]:
- nm5NLftKXRM -- Rules of Nature - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
- n3ZIIpr6hbQ -- Ringside (Alternate Mix) - Rhythm Heaven Fever
- oW2KN-MqmfM -- Renai Circulation (Beta Mix) - Bakemonogatari Portable
- ILkwEbbGOMY -- Battle Hall - Pokémon Platinum
- XGiMv_EEGaq -- Who Do You Voodoo - Dead Island Definitive Edition
- IYdgzfZRZ1s -- Renai Circulation (Alpha Mix) - Bakemonogatari Portable
- fmHa7PoqpZU -- Renai Circulation (Unused Version) - Bakemonogatari Portable
- wI7F57ezr3M-- Live and Learn (Uncut Version) - Sonic Adventure 2
- Will we get all the old rips back?
- Yes! Essentially all of the rips (aside from ones with content ID) were backed-up 3 days in advance. The full story is that ShonicTH spontaneously decided to backup all the channel's videos, though any rip with content ID spat out an error message. The team has a schedule of all rips uploaded since December 2016, however, so they have the rip's title and who made each rip.
- The team will not upload rips whose rippers do not want re-uploaded out of respect. They will also not re-upload the rips that caused the issue in the first place.
- Is there any chance of counter-acting the strikes? Is the original channel gone?
- Possibly. YouTube responded to one of the team's Tweets, meaning there is a chance. The team is currently assuming the worst for the time being, however there is a very small chance the channel will survive. Don't count on it, though.
- Is there any way to (re)watch the MAGFest 2019 panel?
- Not yet. MAGFest usually takes a few months to re-upload the panel, however the team will upload their own version at some point.
- When will you guys return to uploading rips?
- We're not sure. It will definitely be after MAGFest ends, but it will be a few weeks.
- Will there be a last minute channel like there was the last time the channel went down?
- No, the SiIvaGunner team will just continue what they're already doing.
- How much did you guys freak out when the channel was deleted?
- SSB_Seal was woken up to the news, and he literally didn't know what to think. When he entered the room, he saw everyone freaking out. Chaze says that after the strikes that had taken place a month ago, he was more prepared for the situation. Twonko and Hinchy say that while there was some amount of badness, it wasn't as bad as they would've expected, since they figured out their backup plans relatively fast.
- Will you allow people to resubmit rips that weren't backed up by the bot? If so, would they be sent to the same email?
- Yes to both, though you might have to wait for a while due to the 50 video per day limit.
- When can we expect rips to be reuploaded?
- None of the team are sure. Probably in a few weeks.
- How do you feel about people re-uploading rips for preservation's sake?
- Go for it!
- Is the original channel really gone?
- It's not known for certain yet, but it's very likely.
- How long have you guys been keeping a backup?
- ShonicTH was attending a college with amazing internet, so he got the spur-of-the-moment idea to back up the channel just in case something happened, coincidentally three days before the channel was terminated.
About SiIvaGunner[]
Questions about the channel's past and plans for the future not related to its termination.
- Does SiIvaGunner accept submissions, and if so, where?
- Yes! Email to highqualityrips@gmail.com. The SiIvaGunner team also has plans for the semi-near future to set up something for this purpose on their official website, HighQuality.Rip. Also relevant is the channel's tutorial for submitting rips.
- Will there be a Touhou album?
- Maybe at some point, though there are currently no plans for one.
- [From dante] If I singlehandedly make the entire Touhou album, can we release it?
- Yes... no (vetoed by Chaze the Chat).
- Can we bring back The Nutshack as a reocurring meme?
- The Nutshack never fully went away in the first place, but Nutshack rips do fit with SiIvaGunner's current goal of trying to harken back to the tone of 2016-era SiIva, with more spontaneous and shitposty rips. So yes, Nutshack rips are encouraged.
- Will the King for Another Day Tournament get more newcomers?
- Yes. The tournament will have 32 characters, with about 13 returning characters and 19 newcomers.
- Will there be a sequel to STRINGS OF FATE ~ SiIvaGunner: King for a Day Tournament Original Soundtrack?
- Yes!
- How did you decide on Adam Levine and Quote for KFaD2?
- Adam Levine was chosen by Chaze the Chat, while Quote was randomly selected from MAGFest 2019 panel audience members.
- How were KFaD contenders chosen?
- For the original King for a Day Tournament, the team chose the contenders by picking five of the six most popular fan requests, four fan submissions that they thought were especially good, four that were picked by channel contributors, and four picked by backroom members. KFaD2 will have a similar split, but some of the characters will be submitted by art contributors, one will be picked by Chaze, and one will be randomly selected from MAGFest 2019 panel audience members.
- How many more episodes of The SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis will there be?
- Two more of the main story, plus a few side episodes the team is working on.
- How did you come up with the name "SiIvaGunner2"?
- The name is an homage to SilvaGunner's own backup channel SilvaGunner2.
- If I want to learn how to make my own rips, what would you recommend I do?
- See Matsu Muhō's SiIvaGunner Official Ripping Guide.
- What was your biggest inspiration for the Reboot ARGs?
- The Reboot ARG was, in Xarlable's words, just the team "fucking around with the Reboot itself", and Xarlable has always loved ARGs, so on a whim, he got the idea to make one for SiIva.
About being in SiIvaGunner[]
Questions to the team about their experiences and opinions on SiIvaGunner events and opinions.
- [To SSB_Seal] What is your favorite rip?
- SSB_Seal's favorite rips are Final Destination - Super Smash Bros. Melee by turdl3, and its sequel, Final Destination (Chiptune Version) - Super Smash Bros. Melee.
- [From Sean-Patrick to Nape Mango] What is the coolest thing that has happened in your SiIva career?
- Nape Mango: "Meeting you, bitch!" Longer answer: Sean and his friends were in a marching band, and they were playing We Are Number One, so Nape's friends asked him to tell them that he made the first We Are Number One rip. He did, and they started up a conversation, and they've been friends since then.
About SiIvaGunner's community[]
Questions about SiIvaGunner's community and fandom.
- [From Triple-Q] The general mashup/remix community has adopted "rip" as a catch-all term for any kind of musical goof, including mashups/remixes. Do you endorse the use of this term or not?
- No. The term "rip" refers to a specific kind, where it's disguised as a legitimate upload of a song from a video game.
- How well are you affiliated with much of the YTP community (Mowtendoo, Xarlable, etc.)
- Pretty well. Xarlable is a backroom member, and Mowtendoo is a major pal of the team. Big Purp is also a channel contributor.
- Is there any process for people getting into the team?
- Yes. The process is: After a bunch of rips that are good enough to get on the channel, members of the team might get a good feeling about you and ask if you want to be part of the team.
- What do you guys think of the comments section?
- For the people who leave comments with their genuine thoughts, or leave genuine funny comments: we all appreciate and love you guys. For the people who post comments to get attention or to be stupid and funny: please, stop.
- What do you guys think of the wiki?
- Hinchy really appreciates that people are cataloging the channel's history and rips, and the only thing she wants is for the editors to finish adding all her rips. 123zc really likes Mike's page, and doesn't like how his name has a 1 at the end (which has since been fixed). Craz Xexe is disappointed that the wiki does not have a memorial to Inspector Gadget.
About the SiIvaGunner team[]
Questions about the SiIvaGunner team's opinions and favorites, not necessarily related to SiIvaGunner.
Random questions[]
Shitpost-quality questions and other random questions.
- [To Nape Mango] What is your Social Security number?
- 2. [Holds his phone to the camera showing the number 2; this is the Q&A's thumbnail.]
See also[]
- "SiIvaGunner MAGFest 2019 Q&A Live Stream (Beta Mix)" - A rip that references this stream.