SiIvaGunner Wiki
This page is an archive of a community-wide discussion. This page is no longer live. Further comments should be made on its Talk Page rather than here so that this page is preserved as a historic record. Please do not modify it.


  • December, 2023 (Text)
    • Note: This moot took place on December 9, a week after the usual scheduled time, because no topics had been added to the agenda.
  • Moot Leader: Spottygamester



  • funnii - Make pages for each season on the channel where they are explained in more depth (example major events and jokes used throughout a season and perphaps a category for rips uploaded during a season)
  • pokemonfreak777 - Create a page for Takane Shijou (Possibly outdated discussion, page also has existed in the past)

Tabled for next meeting[]

  • overcast – Create "rips featuring" categories for the following sources:
    • Overworld Theme (Super Mario World). Would include uses of Athletic Theme, Bonus Screen, etc., which would be considered variations of Overworld Theme. At least 100 uses listed on Category:Super Mario World (42 for Athletic Theme, 50 for Overworld Theme, 6 for Underwater Theme, 3 for Bonus Screen, 6 for Castle Theme, 5 for Course Clear)
    • Family Guy Main Title. We don't have a full list of rips, but around 25% of rips in Category:Rips featuring Family Guy feature this track, so it should have about 80 uses.
    • The Simpsons Main Title Theme: We don't have a full list of rips, but around 25% of rips in Category:Rips featuring The Simpsons feature this track, so it should have about 58 uses.
    • Discord by Eurobeat Brony: 27 uses listed on Category:Rips featuring My Little Pony
    • Note: This topic was tabled because the presenter was not here to present it, and this topic may not need to be decided in a moot.


  • We will make pages for each season on the channel where they are explained in more depth. (7-0-0)
  • We will make a character article for Takane Shijou. (5-0-0)