"SiIvaGunner YouTube Trailer (Beta Mix)" is a high quality rip of the beta mix of "SiIvaGunner YouTube Trailer", a high quality trailer for the SiIvaGunner YouTube channel.
This is a highly compressed and edited version of Channel Awesome's "Channel Awesome YouTube Trailer" in which several words and phrases are replaced with an audio clip of the Nostalgia Critic saying "I love whores" from "Captain N Cartoon - Nostalgia Critic". Several clips shown in "Channel Awesome YouTube Trailer" are also replaced with other videos: the "Yankin" music video at 0:12, "Nerf This!" at 0:34, and Loud Nigra at 0:36. At 0:45, the website at the bottom is changed to "ilovewhores.com", and the clips of other Channel Awesome reviewers have a pink heart-filled filter applied. At 1:01, the Drama Alert intro plays and transitions into the original "Captain N Cartoon - Nostalgia Critic" clip, which is slowed down and abruptly cut off before the Nostalgia Critic says "I love whores".
The video description of this rip is also directly copied from the original "SiIvaGunner YouTube Trailer".
To open the transcript, click "Expand".
[The Nostalgia Critic is shown in his usual video setup.]
Nostalgia Critic: Why hello, I didn't see you there! I love whores.
[The video is briefly interrupted with a "ONE MOMENT PLEASE" message and a beep. The Nostalgia Critic then resumes with a bottle of tranquilizers beside him.]
Nostalgia Critic: Hello again. Welcome to Channel Awesome's YouTube channel, where you can watch me love whores, reviewing anything and everything relating to whores.
[The "Yankin" music video is shown with a heavy blur applied.]
Nostalgia Critic: But it's so much more than watching me love whores. You can watch me love whores, love whores on Video Game Confessions, and my most challenging whore, Doug Walker, in various sketches, v-logs, and review shows.
[Several clips of Channel Awesome videos are shown.]
Nostalgia Critic: If you don't like whores, I pity you. But also recommend a vast variety of other whores that we have, including ones that sometimes have my face in them, so you won't have to love whores too much.
["Nerf This!" and the Loud Nigra video are shown with a heavy blur applied, followed by a drawing of the Nostalgia Critic watching censored pornography.]
Nostalgia Critic: Or if you wanna check out even more whores, you can check out ilovewhores.com, home to some great whores and comedic whores that are not me. But for not being me, they're pretty whores.
[The Channel Awesome logo is shown with "ilovewhores.com" below it. Several clips of other Channel Awesome reviewers are then shown with a pink heart-filled filter applied.]
Nostalgia Critic: So search around and find what you enjoy, all are welcome here, especially the whores[Bleep] around my face... [Grabbing the bottle of tranquilizers]I love whore-
[The "ONE MOMENT PLEASE" message and bleep from earlier appear. The Drama Alert intro plays, then fades into the Nostalgia Critic as seen in "Captain N Cartoon - Nostalgia Critic".]
Nostalgia Critic: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic, I remember it so you don't have to!... [Lip smack]
[The video abruptly ends.]
Welcome to SiivaGunner. Watch the Nostalgia Critic upload high quality video game rips relating to your nostalgia with things like Grand Dad, Blueballs, and more!
The ONLY Official Youtube channel for the Nostalgia Critic and SiivaGunner.
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