SiIvaGunner Wiki

"SpongeBob's Dream - SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom" is a high quality rip of "SpongeBob's Dream" from SpongeBob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom.


This rip is a spoof of the "screaming Google ad" Google ad campaign campaign.

The rip opens with the "Oh yeah, Mr. Krabs" video. The "screaming Google ad" song plays, but with the scream replaced with the "Oh yeah, Mr. Krabs". The visual then takes on the ad campaign's format, with the text "Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?" and a Google search for "crackhead throwing competition", leading to a video of the same name by TheMediaExposed. At 0:09, Silentó's "video "Happy whip and nae nae year 2017!" plays in the background.

The Google logo is replaced with the Honey Bun baby, with the caption "uh oh you friccin moron". We then hear Loud Nigra, immediately followed by us getting Beaned, with the text changing to "you just got BEANED!". The Dr. Phil M&M then swirls in, and the rip abruptly ends.


  • The description of this rip incorrectly states that the composer is "Hacienda Post".
  • Comments have been disabled for this rip.

