SiIvaGunner Wiki

"THIS GAME'S WINNER IS... [Winners' Round 2 / Losers' Round 1 - All Matches]" is a high quality rip of "THIS GAME'S WINNER IS... [Winners' Round 2 / Losers' Round 1 - All Matches]" from SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day. It was live streamed on November 30, 2019.

This video announced the winners for every match in the third round, those being both the winners' round 2 and losers' round 1 results. After the conclusion of the stream, it was replaced with individual uploads of each victory.

During the stream, "Vote Responsibly!! - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day" played to accompany the 4:30 (four minutes, 30 seconds) countdown to the reveals. At 1:48, the song changes to "Lo-Fi 8-Bit High Quality Chill Beats to Train and Relax To - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day".

When the timer ends, the match results immediately begin, starting with the winners' bracket results before going into the losers' bracket results.

Jack FrostMothmanJack Bros. King DededeKing Dedede
51.5% (4,733 votes) 48.5% (4,462 votes)
Jack Frost "I bet you look really ugl-hee beneath the mask, ho ho ho!"
Nico NicoNico Nico ShadesMilkBowldonkThe Jazz Cats
48.7% (4,095 votes) 51.3% (4,312 votes)
donk "insolent weeaboos"
WarioWaluigiWario Partners, LLP "Weird Al" Yankovic「BEAT IT」"Weird Al" Yankovic
34.1% (2,859 votes) 65.9% (5,533 votes)
"Weird Al" Yankovic "In all honesty, I parodied the outfit from "Bad" way better than you guys did."
ZUNZUN Phoenix WrightMonokumaLaw & Disorder
35.4% (3,551 votes) 64.6% (6,471 votes)
Phoenix Wright "Hey, I'm getting the hang of using these truth bullet things."
MrMr. Krabs ThomasGuy-ManuelPharrel WilliamsDaft Punk ft. Pharrell
48.5% (4,477 votes) 51.5% (4,762 votes)
Guy-Manuel ""T'es qu'un loser. LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.""
Jack BlackElmoJack & Elmo Donkey KongDonkey Kong
52.4% (4,611 votes) 47.6% (4,195 votes)
Elmo "Thank you for the fun, Mr. Monkey Kong!"

Jack Black "Erm, he's called Donkey Kong." Elmo "But he's a monkey, Jack, not a donkey!" Jack Black "Okay, Elmo, but I'll explain to you later."

Solid SnakeSolid Snake DrDr. Piccolo
39.3% (3,183 votes) 60.7% (4,907 votes)
Dr "Your ass is in perfect condition! Please come to my office for further examination."
DJ Professor KDJ Professor K Reggie Fils-AiméBill TrinenNintendo Power
63.6% (5,132 votes) 36.4% (2,944 votes)
DJ Professor K "Ol' times are gone fast! What say we leave the past behind and look toward the future... with Jet Set Radio on Switch, perhaps?"
Mariya TakeuchiMariya Takeuchi PearlMarinaParukoOff the Hook ft. Paruko
59.2% (5,593 votes) 40.8% (3,852 votes)
Mariya Takeuchi "まあ、凄い勢い!吹き飛ばされちゃいそう!"
Metal Ajit PaiMetal Ajit Pai Adam LevineAdam Levine
61.3% (4,650 votes) 38.7% (2,938 votes)
Metal Ajit Pai "You'll still be able to post pictures of animals online, such as yourself."
Johnny BravoJohnny Bravo GenoGeno
54.0% (4,339 votes) 46.0% (3,689 votes)
Johnny Bravo "Sorry about the loss, dolly, but you're welcome to come visit CN City anytime!"
QuoteQuote PapyrusPapyrus
42.7% (3,670 votes) 57.3% (4,917 votes)
DrDr. Robotnik Agent JHowardMen in Black
62.5% (5,009 votes) 37.5% (3,011 votes)
Dr "Because of you, Scratch and Grounder lost 35 minutes and 13 seconds of useful working time. You think these are small NUMBERS? NO! So get out of my sight, Beaenkes!"
HakukoDon-ChanRhythm Masters EminemEminem
71.9% (6,124 votes) 28.1% (2,395 votes)
Hakuko "Yo, time for a snack, isn't it?"

Don-Chan "Don!"

PitbullPopoyMarcianitoPitbull and the Aliens ThanosThanos
45.8% (3,405 votes) 54.2% (4,033 votes)
Thanos "Do you really think being "Mr. Worldwide" of one stubborn planet could ever be as substantial as saving the population universe-wide?"
MissingNo.MissingNo. HOBaRTHOBaRT
78.1% (6,480 votes) 21.9% (1,812 votes)
MissingNo. "If service is needed on this equipment, contact your local Hobart Service office."

See also[]


  • There was a total of 136,144 votes during this round.