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"The Bounty of Sir Paul McCartney - The SiIvaGunner All-Star Summer Festival 2021" is a high quality video announcing the beginning of the Beatles Event.


Continuing from "The Bounty of Ol' Gabe Newell", the video consists of a cinematic animation of Redwood describing his intent to kill Paul McCartney and take his bounty, as the camera pans over his wanted poster and various related items.

The video comes with closed captions transcribing Redwood's monologue.


Click "Expand" to see the transcript.

[The video fades from black onto a wanted poster lying on a table of Paul McCartney as "Runaway Five Show (PAL Version) - EarthBound" plays.]

Redwood: Sir Paul. Familiar name.

[The camera pans over to a business card for "The Fab Four"]

Redwood: Used to be involved with a gang called "The Fab Four".

[The camera then pans over to a picture of several women throwing money.]

Redwood: Their very presence would send the townsfolk into hysterics... we'd call that "Beatlemania". Not only did it make 'em unruly, but it also caused 'em to empty their wallets for these blokes, just to see them play a tune or two.

[The camera pans over a photo of The Beatles in western attire standing in a road mimicking the Abbey Road cover.]

Redwood: It was also said that they stood in the middle of the road to disrupt travel...

[The camera pans to an lyrics sheet of "IT'S OKAY TO LEAVE A DOG IN A HOT HORSE CARRIAGE" in reference to "It's Okay to Leave A Dog in a Hot Car", a fake Beatles song by Billy Cobb]

Redwood: ...and often left dogs in hot horse carriages. These guys went their separate ways before anybody caught 'em in the act though.

[Then the camera pans over to an old-style version of Thomas the Tank Engine.]

Redwood: I hear two of 'em passed on. One of 'em even became a railroad conductor.

[The camera pans over to a wanted ad.]

Redwood: Sir Paul was presumed dead... until now. Recently he's become active again, and is looking for a new partner. A money-savvy short-term assistant to help with the paperwork. A temporary secretary, if you will.

[The camera pans back to the wanted poster.]

Redwood: Won't even pretend to know what that means, but if Paul is involved, it can't be good. With 1 million being the price on Sir Paul's head, I might have to apply for the job, if you know what I mean...

[Fade to black]



  1. "Stuff I'm featured in". YouTube playlist by Metal_Shade.