SiIvaGunner Wiki

"The Central Canon Continuum [FILE-INT-PAINT] - Haltmann's Archives" is a high quality lore video and an internal "file" in Haltmann's Archives. It is the final reward of the "PAINT" branch of The Susie ARG.


The video opens with a dated display with President Haltmann's logo. A large warning is displayed in red text:



This internal archive contains
sensitive and confidential information.

Unauthorized access is prohibited and
will result in immediate termination.

All views and interactions with
this file will be monitored.

Proceed at your own discretion.

[Haltmann Works Company]

Following this, the color scheme changes to yellow and the advertised file is shown, in a format similar to all Haltmann's Archives videos starting with "[FILE-02]".

The file discusses "The Central Canon Continuum" ("The CCC" for short), the main universe of SiIvaGunner lore, and its connections to the other universes observed in the lore and various rips on the channel, such as those of Waluigi's Tacostand, Mr Rental: The Video Game, Looney Tunes, and the SiIva A.I.'s universe. These realities, referred to as "worlds beside ours", exhibit metaphysical laws and structures which are less stable and rigid than those of the CCC, and have been known to affect the CCC through "anomalies" that directly contradict its laws. The file lists common traits observed in known anomalies and describes five tiers in which the anomalies are organized, based on how many of these traits they exhibit.

The file concludes with a postulation that there may be another undiscovered anomalous trait that is common to all anomalies. This is expanded upon in "The World Beyond Ours [FILE-INT-MAXPH]".

At 4:43, as the file ends, the video glitches out and the visuals turn dark and grey as text appears reading "RIGHT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE", followed by encoded looping text filling the screen. The last seconds of the video only show the following:

One searched across worlds
to find the other

Destined to be intertwined,
but never to meet the mark

Until finally a miracle occurred


The main purpose of this video is to address, indirectly, the Mashup Crusaders Arc, a primarily comedic story arc that released between SilvaGunner: Rebooted and The SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis that was completely isolated from the rest of the channel's lore until now. Here, it is re-confirmed (after previously being part of the scrapped video shown in "Behind the Scenes - Mr Rental: The Video Game") that the Mr Rental: The Video Game and Looney Tunes videos show separate universes.

The video also states that the main SiIvaGunner universe, now named the Central Canon Continuum, is the only universe that obeys the strict laws of the CCC. This generalizes the more specific version of this observation which was made in "Garlic-Flavored Tacos [FILE-16] - Haltmann's Archives" regarding the presence of humans and fictional characters in the A.I. universe. The poem at the end most is most likely a double entendre referring to both the 2B/9S arc followed through in the "PAINT" branch of the Susie ARG, as well as the Max/Susie Haltmann arc currently ongoing throughout the ARG as a whole. In both cases, the two subjects have their fates intertwined with each other, but are destined to never meet. However, 2B and 9S are able to meet due to the "miraculous" intervention of Eggnog, as explained in the broadcasts from the Skyrim section of the "PAINT" folder of the ARG. It is currently unknown whether Haltmann and Susie will meet, as the ARG is still ongoing, but the poem does imply this.


[Haltmann's Archives]
[The Central Canon Continuum]

We are still currently in the midst of searching for the stolen [Garlic Taco] (see [FILE-16]), but while it was in our possession we were able to prove the existence of several worlds which seem to function with entirely different rules. These [worlds beside ours], when contrasted against our world's more rigid laws and structure, seem to imply a greater significance to it.

This being the case, going forward I have elected to refer to it as [The Central Canon Continuum].

Despite my assertion that it is the most metaphysically stable and rigid, I am not ignorant of the fact that [The CCC] contains its own strange properties.

[Holiday Spirit], [The Cores], [Kazoos], all of these and more are bizarre to be certain, but nevertheless quantifiable and measurable. However, the same cannot be said for another, more incongruous type of oddity.

[Anomalies] (as briefly touched on in [FILE-04]) are aberrations in or around [The CCC] that go directly against the known laws of reality.

[The Garlic Taco] is perhaps our most sterling example of an [Anomaly] affecting our world. While originally assumed to be a crude construct of the fictional game [Waluigi's Tacostand], the Taco and its surrounding concepts have since made their way into [The CCC]'s reality and history - or perhaps the canon of [Waluigi's Tacostand] has been subsumed by [The CCC]?

In either case, the properties and abilities of the Taco did not appear to have been impacted by the shift to a more stable reality, and it allowed us to study the exact makeup and constitution of it and other such anomalies in close detail. Listed below are traits believed to be common amongst them.

It is important to note that not all criteria must be met to classify as an [Anomaly].

unidentifiable energy signature
transdimensional abilities
general teleportation
timeline/reality warping
loose molecular construction

Notably, there appears to exist a correlation between the amount/severity of [Anomalies] in [worlds beside ours] and their relative metaphysical distance from [The CCC]. The science involved in judging these distances is hardly exact, but without the power of [The Garlic Taco], we will have to settle for what meager technologies we have at our disposal.

One of our most reliable sources of information on such matters at the moment is the SiIvaGunner channel itself. Through various anomalous rips reported on the channel, specific worlds of note can be documented, placed in relation to [The CCC], and used to supplement our already existing knowledge of the anomalies within.

We have categorized these anomalies into tiers based on if they exemplify one or more of the traits listed above and the severity of these traits. Below are real life examples of anomalies, what tiers they fit into and why.

[Mr. Rent & Waluigi] - [Tier 0 Anomalies]

Known appearances: [The Central Canon Continuum], [Opening Scene - Waluigi's Tacostand]
Exhibits: loose molecular construction

Two Figment citizen of Grandiose who only came to the real world upon the creation of the fake video game [Waluigi's Tacostand]. They claim to have a rich history together despite one of the two having previously lived in the town of "Topkek," while the other originates from the Mushroom Kingdom. It's possible that this conflicting information is due to their close proximity to a [Tier 4 Anomaly], most likely the Garlic Taco. Other than that, they appear to simply be regular Figments with no special abilities.

[Rental Car] - [Tier 1 Anomaly]

Known appearances: [The Central Canon Continuum], [Mr Rental: The Video Game], [Looney Tunes], [Slot Machine (Beta Mix) - Star Fox]
Exhibits: loose molecular construction, transdimensional abilities

A blue car that, while having a spacious interior, appears from the outside to be flat like paper. It has a rough, almost poorly drawn look to it, with large indents in the metal and sharp blocky edges. Despite being an object, this car exhibits a lot of the same traits as a Figment. It did not arrive through the Figment Transportation Device, which leads us to our hypothesis about it transdimensional abilities. However, while in our world, its ability seems completely inert.

[The Joke-Explainer™ 7000] - [Tier 2 Anomaly]

Known appearances: [The Central Canon Continuum], [The A.I. Universe]
Exhibits: unidentifiable energy signature, transdimensional abilities, timeline/reality warping

(See [FILE-11])
To summarize, [The Joke-Explainer™ 7000] has the ability to communicate with us across dimension, a comprehensive knowledge of all realities, and can perform actions within and outside the confines of [The CCC]'s time dilation intuitively.

[MissingNo.] - [Tier 3 Anomaly]

Known appearances: [The A.I. Universe]
Exhibits: transdimensional abilities, general teleportation, timeline/reality warping, loose molecular structure

With assistance from [The Joke-Explainer™ 7000] and through uploads on the channel, we have observed this Figment's abilities to warp the world around it in a similar vein to [Halloween Spirit] (albeit with more control relevant to the Figment's emotional outbursts), and a pseudo-prophetic foresight. While its appearance tends to glitch and distort, its energy signature seems to match that of the [SiIva AI], so we can confirm its universe of origin.

[Garlic Taco] - [Tier 4 Anomaly]

Known appearances: [The Central Canon Continuum], [Waluigi's Tacostand]
Exhibits: unidentifiable energy signature, transdimensional abilities, general teleportation, timeline/reality warping, loose molecular construction

Extremely notable for its exhibition of all currently known anomalous traits (See [FILE-04] and [FILE-16]).

As previously hypothesized, certain anomalies may prove to be more efficient than current tools at our disposal. However, in spite of their power, once these anomalies enter [The Central Canon Continuum], they suddenly become inert. An exception would be of course the [Garlic Taco], but even that we have been unable to utilize due to a confluence of circumstance. Perhaps there is a trait or traits shared among these anomalies that we have yet to observe? There must be something I'm missing here! At the time of writing this, research remains inconclusive.


See also[]

  • "PAINT" - The album release of this video's background music.


  1. "My High Quality Rips". YouTube playlist by Cosmic199X.
  2. "joke". YouTube playlist by Madinstance.