SiIvaGunner Wiki

"The Final Battle - Nathaniel Welchert's Christmas Adventure" is a high quality rip of "The Final Battle" from Nathaniel Welchert's Christmas Adventure.


This is a cover of Franz Xaver Gruber's Silent Night, having the lyrics, relating to Nathaniel Welchert, and how glorious he is and how people now love him. As well, how he must destroy anime and their fans. At 1:49, we hear Nathaniel's mom, who has the voice of Joe Swanson from Family Guy, say "I'm sorry". This deep-fried version of this photo appears, and at the same time, Nathaniel's mom shoots his son. We then see Nathaniel Welchert on the ground, dead. At the same time, words from the DK Rap can be heard, saying "Fuck Nathaniel Welchert. He was never funny" from "Rainbow Road - Mario Kart 64". The singer who sung the "Silent Night" cover, singing about Nathaniel, who hopes to get back up to continue being a deity. As well, the music is played in a minor key. At 3:00, the phrase "We'll never forget you, Nathaniel Welchert" is seen.



  • The difference with this thumbnail and the one in the last 9 rips is the font in the speech bubble changed, the word "Christmas" is not cut off, Wood Man's face is back but has changed to >:[, and the copyright label "©2016 LilCoach" can be seen on the bottom right corner.
  • At 2:13, the meme "Spell 'icup'" is referenced.
  • The album version removes the bits from Joe Swanson and the DK Rap.