The Nutshack is a Filipino-American adult animated sitcom created by Ramon Lopez and Jesse Hernandez and produced by ABS-CBN. It is a major meme and the third-most recurring joke on the SiIvaGunner channel behind "Snow halation" and "Meet the Flintstones".
The Nutshack premiered on Myx (formerly "myxTV") in the United States on April 25, 2007 and ended on May 31, 2011. While the show is considered to be one of the worst animated shows ever due to its low quality animation and offensive content, it is also infamous for its theme song ("The Nutshack Intro"), which is considered more on the levels of "So Bad, It's Good" due to its repetitive nature and barely-comprehensible rap verse.
- See also: Category:Rips featuring The Nutshack
The meme first appeared on the SiIvaGunner channel during SilvaGunner: Rebooted. It appeared in exactly three Reboot rips, namely "San Andreas Theme Song (Vocals Mix) - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", "Lookin' Fresh (Unused Vocal Mix) - Splatoon", and "How to Play - Super Smash Bros. 3DS". Those rips were overlooked at the time, but then The Nutshack made an important appearance in "ALMOST. THERE." during the second Reboot ARG, making the SiIva fanbase more aware of it.
After the livestream "SiIvaDirect (7/11 2016) - The World Premiere of a Brand New High Quality Rip", The Nutshack started being used as a major meme on the channel. Between then and the Season 1 Finale, it was featured in nearly 300 rips. Due to its high use during this period, The Nutshack was featured on the lighthouse via Tito Dick. Originally appearing as an ominous overlay, Tito took Loud Nigra's spot on the lighthouse after 9/11 2016 and appeared on the standard (non-channel event) banner alongside Grand Dad and Smol Nozomi up until the Season 1 finale, and again between the Nostalgia Critic Takeover (April 2018) and Big Time Rush 11th Anniversary (January 2021) events. In 2023, Tito Dick got revenge for his removal from the banner with the Dick's Retribution channel event, after which he was re-added.
The meme is incorporated into rips via mashups, sampling, melody changes, and arrangements. It has been used less frequently from Season 2 onward, mostly having been relegated to medley rips, although it has made some solo appearances. However, starting in Season 7, the meme has made a big resurgence in uses.
Click "Show lyrics" to see the lyrics.
[Verse 1] It's the Nutshack! |
External Links[]
- Rips featuring The Nutshack - YouTube playlist by Aidan Zamboni.
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