SiIvaGunner Wiki

"The Twelve Days of Christmas - Payday 2" is a high quality rip of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" from Payday 2.


The rip is a parody of the original "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song by Frederic Austin.

Each day of "Ripmas" has its own musical/memetic style:

  • Day 1 is arranged with the instruments from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, particularly "Shiver Star".
  • Day 2 is arranged with the instruments from "mm2wood".
  • Day 3 is arranged with the instruments from "Crank That".
  • Day 5 has K.K. Slider's voice from the Animal Crossing series in the background and features PinkieOats's Bob Dylan.
  • Day 6 is a metal cover.
  • Day 7 features no music in the background, and the singer continually tries to avoid saying "7 Grand Dads".
  • Day 8 is arranged with the instruments from "Haunted House".
  • Day 9 is arranged with 8-bit instruments.
  • Day 10 is played on the kazoo.
  • Day 12 is replaced almost entirely with a beaning.

After the 12th verse, three rippers get into an argument over having a "thirteenth" day of Christmas, which quickly devolves into a much lengthier argument over L.A.M.A.J and ERIOIOIRE, until one of the rippers proclaims that SiIvaGunner is dead and The Voice Inside Your Head is after him.


