"The World Beyond Ours [FILE-INT-MAXPH] - Haltmann's Archives" is a high quality lore video and an internal "file" in Haltmann's Archives. It is the final reward of the "MAXPH" branch of The Susie ARG.
The video opens with a dated display with President Haltmann's logo. A large warning is displayed in red text:
This internal archive contains
sensitive and confidential information.
Unauthorized access is prohibited and
will result in immediate termination.
All views and interactions with
this file will be monitored.
Proceed at your own discretion.
[Haltmann Works Company]
Following this, the color scheme changes to yellow and the advertised file is shown, in a format similar to all Haltmann's Archives videos starting with "[FILE-02]".
The file consists of an analysis of the connections between the main fictional universe of SiIvaGunner lore, referred to as "The Central Canon Continuum" ("The CCC" for short), and the actual universe of the real world, referred to as "the world beyond ours". Dr. Andonuts initially discusses the unexplained anomalies observed in the CCC, such as supposed hijackings of SiIvaGunner's social media presences and proceeds of albums being sent to charity, which were originally hypothesized to be caused by Wood Man, as these occurrences fit in with his abilities and behavior. Eventually, however, stranger anomalies began occurring which did not fit this explanation: rips of "fake games" which did not appear to exist and resulted in the creation of their own Figments, as well as the upload dates of the rips continuing to progress through time while the CCC was still frozen on the night of December 25, 2016.
Andonuts then begins addressing "the world beyond ours", which had been previously described by The Voice Inside Your Head as a "realm of supreme power, populated by deities" who control and monitor "lesser realities" such as the CCC. He notes that sentient anomalies such as The Joke-Explainer™ 7000 have innate awareness of "the world beyond ours", and hypothesizes that the "fake games" observed in rips are actually being created by the realm. He then concludes that the incongruous upload dates of the rips actually correspond to the time frame of "the world beyond ours", as the universe created by the SiIva A.I. started following this time scale as well. These observations indicate that the CCC, and other universes surrounding it, are subservient to "the world beyond ours", and Andonuts arrives at the realization that these realities are actually fictional, created by "the world beyond ours" as a form of entertainment, and the extreme time dilation is a result of the length of the creative process of development of the events in the realities.
Andonuts is shocked by these revelations and believes that he should report them to his boss, but as this thought comes to his mind, he suddenly forgets who his boss is, as the visuals turn grey at 6:19 and the Haltmann logo fades away from the background. At 6:44, Andonuts' reflection on the monitor becomes visible as a message reading "[BACKUP POWER DEPLETED]" appears and the video glitches out. The visuals turn dark as text appears reading "***** THE FORBIDDEN ONE", followed by encoded looping text filling the screen. The last seconds of the video only show the following:
The realization, all at once
A million flashing colors
and yet the blind spots prevail
Do you remember him?
In the final seconds of the video, "Do you remember him?" switches to "Do you remember me?".
This video addresses the time loop that acts as the in-universe explanation for the Christmas Comeback Crisis not finishing. Previously, in "Wood Man & Robbie Rotten - A SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis Side Story", Wood Man claimed that the time loop was created by President Haltmann to profit off of rips forever. This video officially retcons that idea: the true in-universe explanation for the time loop is that there is no in-universe explanation. Andonuts realizes that the time loop simply exists because the real world has to create the story in order for it to move forward, and it will not move forward until they decide to do so; this also provides an explanation for the inconsistent amount of events happening between the side characters, such as Haltmann Works R&D itself, and the main characters, who started "One Last Chance" right where they left off as if nothing had happened. All of this culminates in the quite ironic event of Haltmann dying in the middle of the FILE, meaning it was being written during "One Last Chance", the first time the story had moved forward in 6 years.
The phrase "the world beyond ours" was originally used in "Albums [FILE-12] - Haltmann's Archives". There, it was a theory regarding the origins of the metadata in the albums, which are completely unreadable to most in-universe characters.
[The World Beyond Ours]
Over the course of my stay in [The Central Canon Continuum], I've encountered a multitude of seemingly unexplainable occurrences. It appears as if, regardless of out assumed ownership and control over the SiIvaGunner channel, strange and unexpected phenomena simply have a way of transpiring at random in and around it.
We thought nothing of it at first, believing that [Wood Man] was responsible for all of these harmless incidents. The antics seemed to fit with his general modus operandi.
Uploading strange rips, wiring the proceeds of our [Albums] to charity, hijacking our various social media presences, all of these were well within his known abilities and motives.
However, soon after, these incidents started to seem a lot less innocuous. Rogue uploads began to coincide with the integration of specific [Anomalies] into [The CCC]. Rips of "fake games" were posted with increasing quantity and frequency, and stable [Figments] associated with them were able to be summoned.
Not only that, the rips' corresponding upload dates became increasingly out of sync with our current timeframe, to the point where they are now years removed from when they should be. And yet, everything around us is quantifiably the Christmas season - to do so much research in a single night is simply impossible, as dedicated to my work as I am.
The [Wood Man] hypothesis was becoming more implausible by the second. Even a being such as him could not be responsible for disturbances of this magnitude (especially due to his widely known sloth and short attention span).
No, it is clear now that there must be some sort of outside force causing these disruptions. An outside force beyond our control or understanding...
Which leads me to the biggest mystery of all - [the world beyond ours]. A majority of our knowledge on this supposed world stems from comments made by [The Voice Inside Your Head], who claimed to have some unknown connection to the place.
Most of the information in question didn't make much sense, and at the time I passed it off as simply more pointless layering to the multiverse. But thinking about it now... it feels like this may be the answer to the anomalous activity on the channel, and by association, the world.
If I'm to take [The Voice]'s word on the matter, [the world beyond ours] is assumedly a realm of supreme power, populated by deities who hold dominion over our own. These supposed deities watch, judge, and control out every thought and action, as they do all "lesser realities".
With a description like this, it's clear why a man of science such as myself would be so skeptical towards the veracity of these claims. Given the circumstances though, I think it best to simply test the hypothesis. I won't get any closer to the answers I need if I start getting picky.
Regarding those answers, I suppose the best place to start is with the dead end I arrived at with my prior research on [Anomalies]. I didn't know what to make of it at the time, but taking theories about [the world beyond ours] into account, I have an idea.
It may be that there is a sixth common trait amongst [Anomalies] that I failed to take note of. During my time in proximity to [The Joke-Explainer™ 7000], she has made it clear she is, to some degree, innately aware of [the world beyond ours].
Further investigation shows that most, if not all sentient anomalies seem to share this same sort of awareness, leading me to the conclusion that perhaps all anomalies, sentient or no, are connected to it. Perhaps [the world beyond ours] is passively controlling them, subtly guiding them in a way that prevents their reality-warping powers from having too much influence on [The CCC]?
Following this line of logic, if [The CCC] is being influenced by [the world beyond ours] to this degree, it could also explain why the ever-multiplying "fake game" are so conceptually strong as to be able to generate stable [Figments].
These games may be fake to us, but perhaps within [the world beyond ours], they are very much real, and [The CCC] is simply borrowing their concepts to create associated Figments. But how could this be? Even for a supposed realm of supreme power, the sustained creation of countless games over only one night seems ludicrous!
Unless it wasn't only one night.
Earlier on, I made mention of the SiIvaGunner channel's incongruous upload dates, specifically how the increasing desynchronization of the uploads' timeframe from our own simply failed to make sense by any reasonable metric.
[Christmas Spirit] does and has always worked perfectly since the arrival of [Haltmann Works Co.] - it would be impossible for this timescale to be logically consistent.
Past the Wood Man hypothesis, I rationaled this date incongruency as a problem of the channel itself. I initially, if hesitantly, accepted this, and indeed started filtering channel happenings under this pragmatic approach.
However, the [SiIva AI] and, more specifically, its influencing universal construct (see [FILE-16]) started following this same timescale without our input, and before the start of the [Illucidity] project. This only complicated my wavering faith... but if we were to assume that this time frame corresponds to [the world beyond ours], suddenly things would begin to slide into place.
In any case, I am still left with one nagging question. If this is true, and the timeframe of [the world beyond ours] is prioritized over [The CCC]'s in these notable, tangible ways, what else might that extend to?
I have developed a concerning theory. Throughout all of these previous examples, the common denominator is [The CCC] and surrounding worlds being subservient and malleable to [the world beyond ours]. If all of this is true, then it stands to reason that our world's timeframe may be no different.
Perhaps the reason that so many events and developments can occur, yet still be confined to one night, is just another case of [The CCC] bending over backwards to suit this other reality? But what reason could there be for such an extreme case of time dilation to be in effect on this one specific night?
That might be the central question behind all of this. Why? For what purpose would [The CCC] be bent and twisted in this fashion? If [the world beyond ours] is only affecting our world passively, why would it be so specific? So drastic?
Running counter to that, if it is all an active, deliberate process by [the world beyond ours], what could they possibly have to gain through it? Experimentation? Exploitation? Entertainment?
Wait... hold on a moment.
These other proposals don't quite make sense - if it was experimentation or exploitation, that doesn't really explain why the [Time Dilation] would be necessary. With the idea of it being entertainment, a story meant to be consumed and observed, it all connects. It's natural for authors to require a protracted period of time to produce their creations, even if the timeframe of the narrative doesn't match the timeframe of the production.
That must be why there's such a massive disconnect, why the [Time Dilation] is required, because [the world beyond ours] has to create and observe the events of our world for time to truly pass.
If that's true, then... It has been known that a trio of rebels have been in the bottom floors of the building, but have otherwise been unable to be observed. And of course this is true: they're load bearing. So many things of great importance to [The CCC] have been directly caused by these three.
There's no way that we could have seen them do something in the interim, because that is who they are to [The CCC]. It's quantum mechanics flipped on its head - they cannot be affected without something of importance happening, so until that moment they are immeasurable, intangible. Frozen in time, a minute stretched over years.
But less important people? The citizens of this city? Me? We don't matter to the narrative, and so we are doomed to live in this endless night for years on end.
It was staring me in the face all along... [The Central Canon Continuum] is nothing but fiction to [the world beyond ours], it's been that way from the start. Why else would a YouTube channel have so much power over the flow of spacetime?
That's why we can't use the [Anomalies], they're plot contrivances, they would break the story. It's always about preserving the story, all of it.
If only I could have known sooner... but I couldn't have, could I?
I can't keep this a secret. This information has to be known... but who should I tell? And how? Would anybody else even be able to handle this information?
...I have to try. I have to tell this to
to... my boss.
Who is my boss? Why can't I remember?
What the hell is going on!? Am I already being silenced!?
What's happening to me
See also[]
- "MAXPH" - The album release of this video's background music.
- ↑ "My High Quality Rips". YouTube playlist by Cosmic199X.
- ↑ "joke". YouTube playlist by Madinstance.
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