"Title Theme & Ending" is the unofficial name given to the NES rendition of "Meet the Flintstones" that plays during the title screen and ending of The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy. The same track also plays on the map screen, just without the first bar.
The track was then stolen in the bootleg 7 GRAND DAD along with the rest of The Flinstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy, where it would then play in the background of Joel's reaction to 7 GRAND DAD.
As the variant of "Meet the Flintstones" that played in 7 GRAND DAD, respectively the most frequently-recurring composition and meme on the SiIvaGunner channel, "Title Theme & Ending" has become frequently referenced as one of the many jokes related to 7 GRAND DAD common on the channel, both as a joke and a ripped track. It was notably used as the advertised track for the final rip of the Season 1 Finale, "Title Theme & Ending - 7 GRAND DAD", which stands as the only rip in its playlist.
Since it is a cover of another song, its only direct uses as a joke are mashups, which is a trait uncommon for NES music on SiIvaGunner; although in rare cases the implementation of "Meet the Flintstones" in melody change rips will contain elements more specific to this particular arrangement. The instruments of the track without its composition are also used as a joke, arranged to play other melodies. The usage of this track as a joke is often paired with other jokes related to 7 GRAND DAD.
Due to its heavy association with the channel's most prominent recurring jokes, rips of "Title Theme & Ending" are completely banned from fan submissions.