Meowth: Hello, everyone. I'm sorry to inform you that the interview with Mr. Bean has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Mere moments ago, Mr. Bean was attacked in his dressing room while getting ready for the interview.
He is currently unconscious, and we're unsure about his condition. The attacker was seen with Mr. Bean's invite letter and was swiftly arrested.
I will inform you of any future updates, and I apologize again for the cancellation. Please look forward to the other interviews in the future.
[Fade to black.]
September 21st, 2:14 PST
Mr. Bean's Dressing Room
[The video fades into the dressing room. Bright pink blood is splattered on the desk, floor, and one of the walls. "Investigation ~ Core 2001" from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney plays.]
Phoenix: (*sigh*) Of course Maya's in trouble again. She deserves an award for consistently being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
(I knew I shouldn't have let her talk me into coming...)
Anyways, I might as well get to investigating this Mr. Bean guy. Apparently Maya was a fan of his and this tournament he's in.
Er, I guess was in. Can't compete if you're in a coma, poor guy...
[Phoenix examines the scene.]
Phoenix: The spot where Bean was attacked. There is some--
[Before Phoenix can finish, Monokuma suddenly bounces into the room. The music changes to the Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony version of "Mr. Monokuma's Lesson".]
Monokuma: Upupup, hiya Mr. Lawyer!
Phoenix: Wh-who are you? (Better question, *what* are you...?)
Monokuma: What, you don't recognize my adorable face~?
Phoenix: Uh, not exactly, no.
Monokuma: Why, I'm none other than the great, the wonderful, the oh-so-beary-handsome, MONOKUMA! And boy, do I have a scoop for you! [Monokuma puts on a fedora and Tyrell Badd's trenchcoat and tie from Ace Attorney Investigations, and chomps down on a cigar.]
Phoenix: Scoop? (I'm a defense attorney, not a journalist...)
Monokuma: Yup! I think you got a lotta heart kid, I like ya. Stick with me and we'll go far. Now, take these offa my hands, willya?
*Monokuma patted the Monofile and a letter in your front pocket*
Monofile: A tablet of some sort, designed to display information. Seems pretty sturdy.
King for Another Day Envelope: A letter with a strange wax seal and the initial "SG" on it.
Phoenix: Hey, I'm not a police officer! And I don't take bribes! Keep your iPad.
Monokuma: Upupup, you're gonna wanna keep that with us if your friend wants a fair shot in court tomorrow.
Phoenix: !! (...Wait, us?)
Monokuma: Give it a looksie already, I don't have all day!
Phoenix: (Ugh, I always get the characters. This tablet better be easy to use, too...)
Monokuma: The Monofile here explains alllll the dirty details of the crime!
Phoenix: !!!
If that's true, then this is crucial evidence! Why would you have it?
Monokuma: Eh? Oh. Well, I'm kind of a witness. Lucky you!
Phoenix: (Wh.... WHAAAAAAAAT?)
(I heard the 2 witnesses in this case were weird, but I didn't expect a plush bear...)
Monokuma: Yup, saw the whole thing with my own 2 eyes! Now, I decided to help because I was bored and I'm getting even more bored waiting for you to open the letter, lawyer man. Get on with it!
Phoenix: Fine, fine...
[Phoenix opens the letter. The music changes to "Beautiful Lie" from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony.]
Phoenix: Hm, It's an invite to this event Maya's been talking about, but... it has my name on it? (It mentions the bear too, plus some weird team name...)
Monokuma: Upupup, that's right! This Mr. Bean fella was in charge of handing out invites, and nabbed ours for himself!
Phoenix: So, what about your invite?
Monokuma: The REAL criminal took it! The one you have is the letter your dear friend was seen with, and the attacker made off with mine!
Phoenix: W-wait, did you steal this letter from the police?!
[Monokuma leaps onto Phoenix's shoulder and points ahead, laughing. "Pursuit ~ Cornered" from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney kicks in.]
Monokuma: Who cares! We have a case to solve and a crown to win!
[Law & Disorder's name and artwork is revealed, followed by the King for Another Day reveal trailer outro.]