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"Tutorial - The Town with No Name" is a high quality rip of "Tutorial" from The Town with No Name.


The rip is a badly-done YTP, with nonsensical sources.

(0:00 - 0:04)[]

The rip begins with the intro from EpicGamerWorld. The audio gets pitched-up high at a shaky level, with it, glitching near the end.

(0:04 - 0:12)[]

A picture of Colin Mochrie in red shirt appears. A black rectangle appears over Colin’s mouth, to make it look like he’s talking. What he says is "big wiener shit". The phrase is composed of 3 sound clips coming from 3 different sources.

  • "Big" - "Explosivo" by Tenacious D
  • "Wiener" - "The Original Grandmas Kisses" by SSkeyblademaster (now removed).
  • "Shit" - "Billy Mays Outtakes".

The three voice clips are arranged into the tune of an unknown melody. The Screen Gems Television Logo from 1965 plays. This then transitions back to an edit of the aforementioned picture of Colin Mochrie, which is itself taken from Neil Cicierega's animutation Hyakugojyuuichi, with his eyes are blacked out and the inside of his mouth blackened with 3 loose teeth. As well, the phrase "big wiener shit :)" appears. The picture flips left and right with a negative filter, added onto it. A Loud Nigra scream can be screaming, which plays forward, then reversed.

(0:12 - 1:06)[]

A GIF of Blanco Brown doing the Two-Step loops. An unsynced mashup plays between the song, "The Git Up" by Blanco Brown and The Nutshack theme.

(1:06 - 1:07)[]

A short clip of the video "asdfmovie5" by TomSka plays.

(1:07 - 1:15)[]

The Mudkip scene from the Pokemon cartoon plays. The first Mudkip says "Sperm", coming from the video, "The Lost Nintendo Sex Ed. Tape" by the2toms. The second Mudkip responds with "You want it?", originally said by Morshu from Link: The Faces of Evil. The Mudkip scene replays and the first Mudkip, says "Yes!", originally said M. Bison from the Street Fighter series. It replays a third time, with the first Mudkip, saying a "Moar" distorted from the SpongeBob episode "Jellyfish Hunter". The scene replays a fourth time, with the first Mudkip, saying the aforementioned "Sperm", again. The second Mudkip then says, "No way. No way! Get real!", originally from Drinking Out of Cups by Dan Deacon.

(1:15 - 1:17)[]

The "Say Something" animated emoticon plays. The voice clip that can be heard is the "IMMA FIRIN’ MAH LAZER" sound clip.

(1:17 - 1:44)[]

A snippet, from Ted DiBiase’s entrance video, loops with various different effects, edited into the clip, like different positioning and having the audio, pitched-up. From 1:20 to 1:28, on the top right corner, the aforementioned Blanco Brown two-step GIF plays, with the song "The Git Up". From 1:23 to 1:25, Crank That plays. A snippet, from "Dr Phil Soulja Boy" by MeiFinnishGoat, which showing a clip of a Dr. Phil ad followed by an audio clip of Bowser laughing from the intro scene from Hotel Mario, loops and flips. Ted DiBiase’s entrance video then plays again, with the "fuck" from "Inward Singing" by Tenacious D, loop over and over. At 1:34, the "FUCK" from this scene of Tourette’s Guy, saying "fuck". The entrance video begins to spin around. At 1:36, a clip from the video, "Rebecca Black "Friday" (Brock's Dub)" by Brock Baker, showing a car, driving off a cliff, with sad violin music, playing in the background. The next scene features a black and white picture of Ted DiBiase, with the text, "vince mcmahon", appears over it. The audio consists of the aforementioned Tourette’s Guy "FUCK" clip and "Wine Safari" by Rolfe Kent.

(1:44 - 1:57)[]

The video of The Boyboy West Coast singing his song "U Was At The Club", is played. A snippet from the YTP, Youtube Poop: Ratatouille Could Have Been Worse, by WalrusGuy, where the narrator says "Sh*tatoing", and the "LeBron James" Vine, from the user, @DARius, can be heard. The aforementioned "Say Something" emoticon is seen. The audio clip of a man yelling at his cats, is played. Its audio gets tweaked way high up. A snippet from the Saturday Nights Main Event Opening Credit of Macho Man, telling Miss Elizabeth to shut up, is then played. The aforementioned "Say Something" emoticon plays again, with the aforementioned "LeBron James" and "Sh*tatoing" voice clips, playing.

(1:57 - 3:01)[]

The aforementioned Nutshack/The Git Up unsynced mashup plays, over a new GIF of Blanco Brown, dancing. At 2:01, the text "wee wee damce[sic]" appears. This references the Labor Day Dance Party, a parody of Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae), from Nickelodeon. At 2:17, the text on the bottom center, saying "im gay lol" appears. At 2:45, an unknown GIF of a stickman dancing, is played. At 2:47, the text "le stick man goin UBER Pog!!1" appears, on the bottom center.

(3:01 - 3:45)[]

A picture of the "😃" emoji appears, with screaming noises, coming from unknown sources, serving as a jumpscare. The emoji then transition to a title card with blinking text, saying "got you !" At 3:04, the laugh of Tom Cruise from the infamous Scientology video is heard. The title card then transitions to a Mudkip from the aforementioned Mudkip scene with the tear flood eyes sticker from Twitter, over the Mudkip’s eyes. The screen goes black and white, from 3:10 - 3:12. A sentence, created out of miscellaneous audio clips, is played. The sentence says "There is no sperm. I must die". The miscellaneous audio clips are, as follows:

  • "There is no" - Gwonam from Link: The Faces of Evil.
  • "Sperm" - "The Lost Nintendo Sex Ed. Tape" by the2toms
  • "I" - Tyrannosaurus Alan from the Volvic "Volcanity" commercial.
  • "Must die!" from Ganon from Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon

An unknown explosion can be heard afterwards. The aforementioned Mudkip scene plays. The second Mudkip "sings" the song "Put A Banana In Your Ear" from Charlie The Unicorn 2. The word "grey" from the song is replaced with the phrase "FUCKIN’ gay", composed of these sources:

  • "FUCKIN’" - "Inward Singing" by Tenacious D
  • "Gay" - "I Am Gay" by Holland Boys.

The Mudkip scene restarts, and the second Mudkip "sings" "Put A Banana In Your Ear". At 3:28, the scene from Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith, where Emperor Palpatine says "Ironic." appears for a split-second. The second Mudkip then "says" "Watch me whack off" from "At a Medium Pace" by Adam Sandler. This then transitions back to the aforementioned of the teary-eyed Mudkip, with the audio from "Something Smells" from SpongeBob Squarepants, where Spongebob says "That didn’t help at all". This transitions again back to the aforementioned "Say Something" emoticon, where it’s "speaking" the audio from the aforementioned Dr.Phil/Hotel Mario clip, where this time the laugh plays entirely and loops over and over in the middle of the laugh. This changes to an edited picture of the Mudkip scene where Dr. Phil’s head, is shown, firing lasers at the first Mudkip, while the second Mudkip is seen, sad and crying. A smiley face can be seen on the top right corner. A made-up quote "mudkipz must die -dr phil" is seen on the bottom left corner.

(3:45 - 4:09)[]

The ending scene from the advertised game, is played. The audio clips from the "9+10=21" Vine are used to replace the dialogue from the ending scene. The phrase "not Shane" from the ending scene is replaced with the "You stupid!" from the aforementioned Vine. The aforementioned video of The Boyboy West Coast, plays. He "says" "LeBron James" from the aforementioned "LeBron James" Vine. The part from the ending scene of The Town with No Name where The Man With No Name, the main character of The Town with No Name, says "My name’s not Shane, kid", has the "Shane" part replaced with "LeBron James" from the aforementioned "LeBron James" Vine. He then shoots at The Boyboy West Coast, killing him. A split second of a poorly-edited scene is played, where it’s the aftermath of The Boyboy West Coast, who got shot by The Man With No Name. His eyes are X’s, his mouth is a horizontal line, the bullet that is being shot is represented with a yellow line, and there’s red spray paint, to represent blood. The Man With No Name then shoots again several times, killing Dr. Phil and the smiley face. It then shows a split second of the aftermath. Dr. Phil’s face has red paint over it and so does the smiley face. It also shows a bullet, that missed both of them in the middle. The bullets, being shot at, again, are represented with yellow lines. The Man With No Name says "I conquer Faces of Evil", in replacement with "My name’s not Shane", with miscellaneous voice clips, coming from various sources, which are:

  • "I" - Tyrannosaurus Alan from the Volvic "Volcanity" commercial.
  • "conquer", "Faces of Evil" - Gwonam from Link: The Faces of Evil.

(4:09 - 4:45)[]

The rip then transitions to the aforementioned Mudkip scene again, played on loop, as the "We Did It!" song from Dora The Explorer plays, specifically from the episode "Save the Puppies!". The text "epic dance ^.^" appears, as well. The scene transitions to the aforementioned GIF of Blanco Brown doing the Two-Step plays. This then transitions to the ending scene from the advertised game, which transitions back to the Mudkip scene.

(4:46 - 4:53)[]

The outro for the rip then plays, consisting of an unknown clip of a video game player, saying "epic", followed by an outro for "BadNews Productions".


  • The catchphrase is a reference to the song "Old Town Road" by Lil Nas X.

