"Wavetapper - Phigros" is a high quality rip of "Wavetapper" from Phigros.
Starting at 0:19, the vocal samples present in the advertised track are changed to voice clips from various members of Vinesauce. At 1:30, the track is melody-swapped with "Meet the Flintstones" .
In addition, instead of the thumbnail, the video displays a recreation of the official BGA of the advertised track, with the graphics on some cubes changed to reference members of Vinesauce:
Percussion | Backing | Revscarecrow | Direboar |
Limealicious | Fred | Darren | KY |
Vinny | Arpeggio | Noise | Dialtone |
Synth | Synth | Joel | Message |
The gray cube in the bottom-right corner is changed to display the following text throughout the video's length, which references the "Crundlequest" story from Joel's second AI Dungeon stream:
To open the dropdown, click "Expand".
At 2:40, the ending screen is changed to read the following:
VSIH 2014 Variety is Hope
Music Frums HQRも Siiva
A Quality Stream
Cube references[]
![]() |
The Joke-Explainer™ 7000 needs your help!
This joke list is incomplete! Please listen to the rip and help fill out these pesky missing spaces. |
- RevScarecrow
- Flash Logo
- Rev's Vineshroom
- A bee
- Direboar
- Direboar's previous avatar Icon
- Limealicious
- A slice of a lime most commonly used as her iconagraphy.
- Fred
- ?
- Darren
- "´•ω•`", Darren's emoticon.
- Darren's avatar (Potatoman)
- KY
- KY's avatar icon
- Vinny
- A vineshroom, Vinny's logo.
- The face of Scoot, his favorite villager in Animal Crossing.
- The face of Mr. Dink from Doug. A character featured in many of Vinny's bits.
- A duck, or goose. Vinny loves ducks and hates geese.
- The M on Mario's cap, referencing The Adventures of Mario and Luigi series of videos as well as Vinny's large association with Mario and his games.
- The Red Vox logo.
- The face of Smile Ghost.
- Meat.
- Right synth
- The number 2.71, the first three digits of e.
- Undetermined
- A triangle with a line on the top right.
- A cube.
- A star, possibly the star on the title screen of 7 GRAND DAD.
- The uppercase letter J.
- A square.
- The Chinese numeral for six (六).
- A hexagon.
- The number 10.
- Joel
- The Vargshroom, Joel's logo.
- The head of Fren, Joel's creation.
- A turd, most likely referencing fecalfunny.com.
- A spooky skull.
- The face of the ghost in Super Ghostbusters.
- AGGA, a reference to a notorious moment where Joel's computer completely froze for several minutes, and wouldn't stop showing Star Wars music to footage of the movie Mac & Me. All he was able to do was type AGGA into a text box.
- A beer(?)
- The windows logo, referencing the Windows Destruction series.
- A drawing of a dick.
- A midi file, referencing Windows 8 Destruction and MIDI Mario Hell.
- Corrupted mushroom(?)
- Man screaming(?)
- Needle(?)
- The word 'IKEA'. Joel is Swedish.
- A wasp. Joel was tormented by one during a stream.
- Chat, or the Twitch "Smile" emote.
- Bonzi Buddy's face. Bonzi is the main villian of Joel's streams and originates from Windows XP Destruction.
- A bus, referencing Desert Bus, a game Joel played for 8 hours straight (which is the entire point of the game).
- 王 from Grand Dad's hat.
Starting at 1:11, the dialtones present in the advertised track are changed to the following numbers:
- 15515116316
- 41621421451
- 411560401631
- 45170040152141143153141163163
Converting these numbers from ASCII octal yields the string "mistrbean sex jackass", referencing the Mister Bean Sex Jackass meme, which was mainly started by Joel.
In reality, the numbers were used in conjunction with the "ADDRESS ERROR" screen found in "PlayStation Startup () - Console/BIOS Music", to progress to the next steps of the ARG.