"Welcome to the World of Pokemon! - Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu & Eevee!" is a high quality rip of "Welcome to the World of Pokemon!" from Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu & Eevee!.
The rip opens with the icon of a Switch sliding into place, as with most Switch game trailers. The rip then shows the game's logo for about 14 seconds while the game's orchestral remix of "Route 24 & 25" from Pokemon Red & Blue plays. As the music continues playing in the background, the rip shows Chaze the Chat sitting in a room. He says:
I've seen the ghettos of New York. I've seen the most impovered areas of the Middle East. I've seen kids dying on the side of the road in Soviet Russia. I know what you're going through right now. I've just got one word of encouragement for you: "go".
The rip then shows pictures of both games under the word "Available Now!". Under the pictures of the games is a link titled TinyURL.com/PokemonLetsGo, as well as #PokemonLetsGo.
The URL will lead to a Youtube video titled "2012 Pokémon Apocalypse - Episode 1" , which was posted on May 25, 2010 by the channel Poliwager. The video, which was also referenced in Let's Play: 7 Grand Dad - Episode 2, was made by PoliSlix (referred to as Slix in the video) and another person who goes by Mudkipz, and parodies the opening of Pokemon Red & Blue.