SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Wood Man (Birthday Mix) - Mega Man 8" is a high quality rip of the birthday mix of "Wood Man" from Mega Man 8.


This rip continues from "Gallery - Mega Man Legacy Collection", "Gallery - Mega Man Legacy Collection 2", and "Wood Man Stage (Birthday Mix) - Mega Man 2", compiling various fan works made from Wood Man's birthday while various Wood Man-related rips play.

Background music
Time Audio
0:00–1:18 mm2wood
1:19–2:31 Battle! (Battle Subway Boss) - Pokémon Black & White 2
2:32–6:27 Countdown to Death - Doom II
6:28–9:35 Wood Man's Confession - Mega Man: Date My Robot Master
9:36–10:47 Boss - Hyper Princess Pitch
10:48–12:07 Theme of John Notwoodman - SiIvaGunner: King for a Day Tournament
12:11–14:11 Hang Eight - Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
14:15–15:37 Wood Man Stage (OST Mix) - Mega Man 2
15:38–17:05 Wood Man Stage (E-Tank Version) - Mega Man 2
17:06–19:28 Wood Man Stage - Mega Man II (Game Boy)
19:29–20:48 Wood Man Stage (OST Version) - Mega Man 2
20:51–22:13 Wood Man Stage (Challenge Mode) - Mega Man Legacy Collection
22:14–23:33 Wood Man - Mega Man Anniversary Collection
23:33–25:05 Lignum hominis - Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable
25:05–25:52 Wood Man Stage - Super Smash Bros. UItimate
25:55–27:21 Those Who Fight (Live Orchestral Version) - Final Fantasy VII
27:22–28:48 Fairy's Fountain (Alpha Mix) - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
28:50–30:29 Lost Woods (Alternate Mix) - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
30:31–36:08 Wave of Darkness - Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
36:08–37:27 mm2wood
Credited artists
Time Author
0:00 Steve McCool
0:04 WormyAppleCores
0:09 Mcsplosion
0:12 vinevian
0:16 triolef
0:24 TheSuperEan300
0:28 PlasticMilk
0:32 four
0:36 J.Z
0:40 JusJarBo
0:44 PDMM
0:48 Dark 9-Volt
0:52 RealEyeman
0:56 Kerbe
1:00 Sour
1:04 JetSenpai
1:08 Xandoshi
1:12 Waluigi WEH
1:16 KirbySplat
1:20 ChristopherLry
1:24 tygreenie
1:28 ytp4life
1:32 romanix57
1:36 Mariya The Creator
1:40 thefoxoverlord
1:44 DavidNGMLN
1:48 RedeKamafa
1:52 Flan Bi
1:56 Jack Orange
2:00 mang_real
2:04 Shin
2:08 Turndown4hwut
2:12 SupremeSubwich
2:16 yurrie
2:20 Ethan
2:24 MH
2:28 ExpensiveDispenser
2:32 Neptar27
2:36 TacoTaster
2:40 Sega77
2:44 Ghost Meganium
2:48 Captain Omelette
2:52 ninjakai03
2:56 tykeperson128
3:00 Creeper Lamoureux
3:04 The_KRUSHER16
3:08 CyanimsYT
3:12 tarkan809
3:16 Ore
3:20 FangTheFreak
3:24 CorCairGhorm
3:28 Cilantro
3:32 tugumi
3:36 Flypotato123
3:56 maplejava
4:00 Laybox
4:04 Runaway Character
4:10 SlamGrene
4:15 Swaggy El Pokemon Mas Cool
4:20 miroto
4:24 Bantuatha
4:28 7GrandLad
4:32 Kaleb Burlingame
4:36 Alimexus
4:40 Yazawa Akio
4:44 Milkwalkerr
4:48 KirbySplat (repeat from 1:16)
4:52 SeizureZeperoni
4:56 Fuizai
5:04 nico.nicomemes69
5:08 Nicolò Fonn
5:12 Latimew333
5:16 TRDario
5:20 Astro Kaizer
5:24 Rambo Waluigi
5:28 Blackdot
5:32 HawtDogull
5:36 yoylebubble17
5:40 Cabatbat
5:44 7Dogmin
5:48 phantompera
5:52 Mr.Eggawott
5:56 Shane-gri La
6:00 Ratchet05
6:04 Zeezia
6:08 JeepersJeepersJeepers
6:12 Garfield Is Here
6:18 VeemoWithaHat
6:20 PuraPurin
6:24 ocilical
6:28 WROOZ
6:32 activegreen
6:36 Tradgore
6:44 GizmoDeDino
6:48 DanDoesThings
6:52 Jans
6:56 Bupperoni
7:00 MintWorkin
7:04 Udgey
7:08 aaaaaaa
7:12 JohnHaHa120
7:16 pchoo-ziie
7:20 BBZekrom
7:24 scrungis
7:28 eg_9371
7:32 Bruh de la Boi
7:36 MLPFun
7:40 princess avolience
7:44 Natnat Gaming101
7:48 Stupid Ugly (A.H)
7:52 kolba
7:56 JaMaMaa1
8:00 MKM
8:04 ochido
8:08 Reece's Feces
8:12 Captain Booples
8:16 Thinglet 247
8:20 Leo Fry
8:24 Jackyduck64
8:28 AndDrewAThing
8:32 CJ
8:36 PBandJam
8:40 WaddleDio
8:44 TheGravitator
8:48 Ploverums
9:08 Capn Wing Ding
9:12 Blooksy
9:16 Creased Jordans
9:20 Juggerpuff
9:24 Larry Bobs
9:28 Pooptootisreal'
9:32 nullvalue003
9:36 Oetam
9:40 randoman
9:44 VortexRBLX
9:48 The Shrimp
9:52 Orangeflipflop
9:56 bestname
10:00 Boombox2ikik
10:04 Smoll-Dev-Art
10:08 Gold_Zoroark571
10:12 X357
10:16 WatchTheHourGlass
10:29 TheMutantSpaceDancer
10:33 Mr.Mr
10:37 Contra Fell
10:41 MateuNoRegreso
10:45 chaoticcatta
10:49 Jesseroo
10:53 Tsu Tamara
10:57 CDC
11:01 Artemiy B.
11:05 peashooterman3
11:09 silvibutno
11:13 Kettro
11:17 Jackie Boy
11:21 jakebfb
11:25 arthurdavi11
11:29 Soltakama Kongu
11:33 Trey Bowen
11:37 MedDaKvas
11:41 Delta505
11:45 RipVeno
11:49 Chip Wiseman
11:53 David Baillie
11:57 TomaselliWyatt
12:01 Blealolealoleal
12:05 ToastBy
12:09 Ehhey
12:13 Jerod Zimmer
12:17 Major Moxy
12:21 nalont
12:25 Dude.
12:29 ChaoDirt
12:33 ElectroPix
12:37 Eva-G
12:41 Firestorm99
12:45 metalscissor
12:49 SploderianRich
12:53 gg123official
12:57 Cooper_Garvin
13:01 SonicCk
13:05 KiivaKunner
13:09 Hogo The Catto
13:13 Blockygunner
13:17 MrPorkchop
13:21 Wilde J
13:25 Sechtera
13:29 Mr Man
13:33 AbsoluteTrash
13:37 Dom_Rocks
13:41 GeraRReal
13:45 JadeMonsuta
13:53 rice
13:57 JoDaEpicGuy
14:01 Uchulups
14:05 fluffiverse
14:09 zazzro
14:13 YaBoiNando
14:17 RazorKing6
14:21 k. robles
14:25 drmegadude
14:29 TheSip
14:33 Timothy O'Gorman
14:37 HamburgerSox
14:41 DavidOMario
14:45 Thego124
14:49 KewlNerd20X6
14:53 malbavi
14:57 Mick The Squirrel
15:05 Dr_Funnymans
15:09 JUNIO
15:17 Spicy_Wahsabi
15:21 SoaringSprocket
15:25 Kapsire
15:29 JasoonMargoon
15:48 hgpage227
15:52 Zyndeyqualarrin
15:56 L.W.
16:00 Ashley
16:04 DarkMecha
16:08 neogeopcktcolor
16:12 NachosDragon
16:16 OngoingRhyme57
16:20 Crapcom
16:40 mcyeat
16:44 MikeyTinToon
16:48 Barbilou
16:52 Pixelcrusher10
16:56 bluboygaib
17:00 Some Random Account
17:04 RedThunder1
17:08 57
17:12 Griffin DeAngelis
17:20 scotlandeuan
17:40 revbecca
17:44 Adamandom
17:48 Dog on it
17:52 SouperSaucer
17:56 BangoBongo
18:00 Prince46
18:08 AV
18:12 Mr. Peepee
18:16 WoomyDoomy
18:20 Bobber wcc
18:24 MultiDiegoDani
18:28 GarfQC
18:32 pladica
18:36 TheFineEgg
18:40 Malaysia
18:44 Diagonal Mario 7-8+3
18:48 GummyGumms
18:52 Will Bill
18:56 fedheadphone
19:00 Josh
19:04 EtchJetty (incorrectly credited as "AV")
19:08 KapuzenpullOver
19:12 cy_rodgers_art
19:16 realgravitykat
19:20 Yet To Be Confirmed
19:24 ToastGhost
19:28 MelecieDiancie
19:32 Xbl (incorrectly credited as "SobmicUltimate")
19:36 SobmicUltimate
19:40 Robomaster
19:44 Jacopo Fonn
19:48 jööt
19:52 FurLado
19:56 VistaXP2600
20:00 scootdotexe
20:04 Mr. Clams (incorrectly credited as "ext4nt_official")
20:08 Cashewm
20:12 FormerDimmadome
20:16 captaingoosehead
20:20 Equippedboat
20:24 JJSponge120 (incorrectly credited as "AV")
20:28 rifo
20:32 reXibitt
20:36 Titsou
20:40 Lauren
20:44 rammyuni
20:49 Dominical
20:53 Saffayr357
20:56 TheColossalMixel
21:00 TheAndrex234
21:05 NintenDweeb
21:09 Stanley Grahmore
21:12 terakiller
21:17 Neo_cat_studios
21:21 Horatio Arkas (incorrectly credited as "scootdotexe")[1]
21:28 AwesomePig7
21:32 ZonInc
21:36 donald trump
21:40 overcast07
21:44 YoshiGa
21:48 Miimo
21:52 Sohuji
21:56 Dream Top
22:00 Yoghurt
22:04 The Guy (thebulbmin)
22:08 SmuggestGirl
22:12 DemKnux
22:16 The P
22:20 Fandom Trash
22:24 Celestial Seraph
22:28 HackPlayer7
22:32 StraightOutThePurple
22:37 xxtoastersxx
22:41 yuuneey
22:45 HornyKay
22:51 Dedede 02
22:54 Nintenfan X
22:57 Wild48
23:01 Super10ZX (incorrectly credited as "Wild48")
23:05 PopCultureCorn
23:09 Pitoco Hery
23:24 Antonio47269499
23:28 "Proton the Luxio
23:32 Josue Tristan
23:36 Shane-gri La
23:40 TSOBT
23:44 Alex_Glitch_
23:48 Grand Sans
23:52 Ilya
23:56 MTH
24:00 mediviso
24:04 pack
24:08 Phantomations
24:12 Nikki+
24:20 Greg The Egg oHo
24:24 thelettera
24:28 stratusgio
24:32 OctoRon
24:36 Reina-OS
24:40 Icicle
24:44 The Dark Lord of Ultimate Doom
24:48 thunderzizi
24:52 Question Mark Boi
24:56 alexcreepman
25:00 lordcheese
25:04 fluffiverse
25:08 flamingolegs
25:12 endycomics
25:16 MíssíngLínk
25:20 AGwolf888
25:24 axoonium
25:28 BlueIce57
25:32 temorinki
25:36 Silfyr
25:40 Drshank
25:44 you have lost the game[2]
25:48 thiggums mcgee (incorrectly credited as "shymonkees")
25:52 YeahBoiiii
25:56 RinMizu12
26:00 Salty Altas
26:04 BAS229
26:08 DespediteErik
26:12 Raylin
26:16 Kieron
26:20 SupremeKhi
26:24 Fern
26:28 5cratch_0
26:32 ubiquitousMarxist
26:36 Allemn
26:40 James-Money
26:44 Skelengeityor
26:48 some fool
26:52 mind_the_star
26:56 SFVM.EXE
27:00 1 Turtle 2
27:04 V4ru_
27:08 Adamandom
27:12 ShinyLurantis
27:16 Flaming
27:20 Tnanananaaa
27:24 God_Of_Atheists
27:28 Ghostabo
27:32 Ehko
27:36 kirboatmeal
27:40 FreezingPopo
27:44 j8-bit
27:48 Pabbiecrafts
27:52 Arthur101
27:56 Leeloouu
28:00 Cyan Crocomire
28:04 Crazy Star XP
28:08 UltraZeroX7
28:28 TheRealRaze
28:32 Random Bread
28:36 NoytisNick
28:40 OneCartoon
28:44 Mpdacey
28:48 GratedPants1
28:52 Zay
28:56 fueguin2002
29:00 Firepawz
29:04 ATomHat
29:08 Gompers
29:12 mmmmpopopo
29:16 64SliderMan
29:20 The Golden Turd
29:24 Creeps
29:28 TheNoSNowPerson
29:32 xZorololoness
29:46 TheFriendlyGem
29:50 WeirdMSPainter
29:54 cordrocker
29:58 SpikeyBoi23
30:02 C
30:06 sketchy_mallrat
30:10 Mick The Squirrel
30:14 turtle
30:18 giorno_joemama (incorrectly credited as "Firepawz")
30:22 WilsonElTk
30:26 Sparky_Pitch
30:30 GoldM
30:34 geno
30:38 The Golden Turd
30:42 ZXCyan
30:46 Gir
30:50 FreeRO GameMaster
30:54 mark.long22
30:58 Colonel Luiz H
31:12 Memewagon
31:16 ZoeBanoe
31:19 Adrien
31:23 DibuDani
31:27 Don_Sofacady
31:31 Gezora
31:35 Boot_Scoot_Boog
31:39 crunk jesus
31:43 Randy71931584
31:47 StarJaeger
31:51 4zumarill
31:55 Dreski19
31:59 Brem
32:03 HC1
32:08 YoshiZoomer2137
32:11 DannyDuque
32:16 Sun Sableye
32:19 Xeneth
32:39 billy
32:43 Squidoris
32:47 TwelveDust
32:51 Totinoboi75
32:55 Potato.exe
32:59 Pedo 10000
33:03 BlueCaekz
33:07 cyan lininthebin
33:11 cookiefonster
33:15 daypeecone
33:19 OnBP
33:23 Aquacycle
33:27 duuzu
33:31 Krizis
33:36 Keeby
33:40 atlaszoidac
33:44 Brawlcats
33:48 Tab64
Reti Spaghetti
33:54 eCs
34:07 circunflexo
34:11 SMALF
34:15 CannoliCount
34:19 Emm Bee Sea
34:23 BobTheTacocat
34:27 Hintlord
34:31 Sarvéproductions
34:35 Malion
34:39 Booplesnooty
34:43 Shade
34:47 CadoRosy
34:51 whatvzze
34:55 Noobzor9
34:59 Anguish
35:03 Fish Nchipz
35:07 Valtores
35:11 frog_emperor
35:15 JackoTheArtist
35:19 KGamer1
35:23 GetsuUshi
35:27 UnfunnyDarkGuy
35:31 Vaneckuss
35:35 HMRasmus
35:39 greator2800 (incorrectly credited as "HMRasmus")
35:43 nfiohermit
35:47 EndrEcho
35:51 sootyquill (incorrectly credited as "Hintlord")
35:55 dietofsteamedhams (incorrectly credited as "Sarvéproductions")[3]
35:59 Dafisha757
36:03 Kasane-Ruby
36:11 Moltern
36:15 Scrungo McDungo
36:19 christian77771
36:23 Sonic Xtreme99
36:27 Da Jack
36:31 Cure
36:35 Mr. Peepeedick
36:39 The Great Snekko
36:43 DrewFourteen
36:47 supahsta
36:51 lingune
36:55 jeeble_s
36:59 BONEY
37:03 william farwell
37:07 Faust Lastname
37:11 Blaize.Mayes
37:15 Bramble Blast
37:19 The Lunar Jester
37:23 Knay


Video Editor: MLPFun[4]


  • Unlike other Wood Man birthday rips, this rip does not show the artwork in alphabetical order of contributors' handles.
  • Although it is listed as a platform in the description, the PlayStation version of Mega Man 8 doesn't have Wood Man in-game.
  • Shusaku Uchiyama was originally listed as the composer in the description.[5]
  • This rip was originally not in the Mega Man 8 playlist. It was added on October 30, 2023.

See also[]


  1. Comment by Horatio Arkas.
  2. Discord message from QuichePotatoes (nicknamed "you have lost the game").
  3. Comment by dietofsteamedhams.
  4. Tweet by SmokyThrill77.
  5. Wayback Machine